Okay, it's actually happening in another four hours, but soon enough. Why is it relevant here?

For the better part of the last six years I have been in a relationship where for some insane reason I put my music on hold. I hardly listened to anything I liked (because she didn't like it. What was I thinking?) and didn't create anything, either. Some of you must be wondering whether I can play at all. Embarrassing, really. I finally had to break it off.

In March I met someone wonderful-er. It's been just a short time, but we have no secrets and both know what we want, so we made an executive decision to get hitched. The ceremony is today at 2:00 p.m. Eastern time.

Among her many great qualities is the fact that she is a musician, too. (Baritone sax. She hasn't played in years, but we're going to fix that.) She is really into what I do (Yes, I actually compose and play. grin) Finally, I can put on my music, turn it up, and know that she digs it, too. What a breath of fresh air.

I just moved in yesterday, so it's going to take a while to dig out. No promises as to when I will start producing, but I look forward to sharing some of my stuff with you guys relatively soon. It has been far too long.


"My primary musical instrument is the personal computer."