I will make a note to look at that course....free is always good.

Back in the day, lots of the rock bands and some others had 2 cuts for every song..... the radio cut, edited to run in the 3 minute time range and the album cut which was uncut and could run well beyond the 3 minutes "allowed" on radio.

Then there came a group of radio stations which called themselves "underground" stations and they all played the album cut versions. WMMR in Philadelphia back in the 70's was one of them and every radio I owned was tuned to that station. 93.3 FM IIRC.

When writing now, if I'm telling a story, and I usually do, I do basic diagramming of the song ideas into the verses and chorus. I expand it from there. Sometimes the diagramming is simply in my head..... I know what I want to say in the different verses.

The fun songs are the ones where I have no idea what I'm writing about..... I start with a title idea and work up the hook, build the chorus and write the verses...... but not necessarily in that order.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.