Originally Posted By: floyd jane

This may be my all-time favorite danisong!!!

As a rule, I truly dislike songs that mention "writing this song". But in this case, you wrote the entire song about writing the song - and it works brilliantly!

The bass line is terrific (I think it should be a touch louder - it works that well).

The harmonies are amazing.


+1 here.

I must have listened to this song maybe 10 -15 times before I penned this reply. Mainly because I still could not find the "funky" in the song, OK maybe a baseline.

But what I did find and loved even more with each listen was a heart felt happy trip down memory lane, especially when watching the accompanying slide show.

Bottom-line funky or not what I hear and see are wonderful moments of a loving family captured in time. The feel of the music IMHO cements the love and happiness captured in the photos.

Did I say I like it? . . . well I do.
