
I think we should definitely collaborate on one of your tunes, no Jazz. Then you'd see me flubbing around, struggling, and generally messin' up. That ought to knock me down a peg or two, and that would be a good thing.

We all lie on a continuum in all our pursuits. I've had my share of "bridge moments," referring to the saxophonist who went to see Charlie Parker for the first time. He brought his horn, thinking that he might sit in. This player wasn't exactly a Julius Caesar:

mad eek frown crazy eek mad frown crazy HE CAME, HE LISTENED, HE LEFT. eek mad frown crazy eek mad frown mad

Then, he proceeded to a bridge over the East River, where he tossed his horn. The scene appeared in Clint Eastwood's movie Bird.

I myself call these "fireplace moments," because I'll hear some player (accompanied by my jaw hitting the floor) and then decide, "Oh well, I guess we can just throw all the gear into the fireplace; maybe take up knitting."

Naturally, it's a thrill to get positive remarks from other musicians like yourself. You have my gratitude.


Sweetwater Creation Station. BIAB 2018, Mixcraft 8 Pro Studio, Izotope Nektar 2, Ozone 8, KEYBOARDS: Kurzweil Artis 7, Crumar MOJO, Hammond XK-3, BASSES (fretted & fretless by Ibanez, LTD, Warwick. GUITARS by Guild, Gretsch, Ibanez, Eastwood (12 string)