Eddie, I don't know if you will read this, but I see you actually making my point, as well as Mac admitting to using the ACW.

You might not see it that way, which I'm o.k. with you not seeing it that way. But there's a reason you use RB/BIAB, there's a reason Mac even bothers with the ACW, and I see that there's market for an app which helps to suss out what chords might be in a song; not unlike the ACW.

I'm not making any claims on whether this defines whether someone is a musician or not to use or not use this thing as a tool.

I am saying that it can be a shortcut, an adjunct, a tool in the belt, a helper, a time saver, etc.

I'm not saying it's a replacement for hard work.

I'm not saying it's a replacement for some God-given innate ability.


It's a tool. I will not call anyone names for using it.