Originally Posted By: Mac
Originally Posted By: aleck rand

Here's a little thought experiment for everyone to consider:

You forgot your watch at home and you're walking past an atomic clock that indicates it is exactly 2 o'clock. In fact, at that moment it is 2 o'clock, exactly. There are no tricks in this experiment. Now, do you know that it's two o'clock?

Leave to Mac to throw a knuckle ball like that. Einstein himself considered the possibility of a variable speed of light, but as it stands, the issue is very controversial, Setterfield's arguments notwithstanding.

I made a bad mistake in using an atomic clock. It could have been any old clock tower with the hands showing 2 o'clock.

To review:

(1) It really is 2 o'clock
(2) You believe it is 2 o'clock, because ...
(3) The clock tower says it is 2 o'clock, and finally

(4) No, you do not know that it is 2 o'clock.

Why not? Answer next time.