
If you were going to master,no pun intended, one tool it would be the multiband compressor.Unfortunatly I haven't found any free ones.

Broadcast from J. Breebaart is a heavy handed 3 band compressor, spatial processor, & brickwall limiter that will slam anything and make it "radio ready" in a lot of folks minds....

The ReaPlugs VST FX Suite has a multi-band comp, along with all the other plugs you could need to master at home......with time & effort.

They are pretty easy on the CPU, and the price is right......

Hope this helps!

i5 3.20GHz, 32gb RAM, 1tb SSD OS, 12tb HDD, 4gb gForce vid card, 32" monitor, Audient id44, Win10 x64, BiaB/RB 2023, Reaper 6,IK Multimedia Total Studio 3.5 MAX, Waves 10