Mac, I certainly support your right to be a Christian. And I am thankful for your military service in the same way I am thankful for the service of police and firemen and even teachers! All of these, and many more, provide essential services to our society and we should all be thankful for them!

Fox News is not a source I would ever trust without doing some pretty thorough verification. For me, the credibility of their news department is compromised because of the strong bias of most of their non-news commentators and pundits. And FYI I also do not trust what MSNBC reports without the same level of scrutiny!

As to whether atheists support the rights of Christians I am unaware of any cases where atheists have tried to restrict what Christians do or say in their churches or homes. Now, on the other hand, atheists do object to Christianity being taught in public schools and things like nativity scenes being on display in the public square.

The reason for that is simple...The United States of America has no official religion. We are not a Christian nation! Our citizens practice Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, atheism and lots more. So it would be entirely inappropriate to allow one group to display their religious symbols in the public square!

But, every year around this time when this happens to Christians, agencies like Fox News report this as if the Christians were somehow being wronged when, in fact, they are simply being given fair and equal treatment.

I guess you could make the case that all religions should be allowed to place their religious symbols in the public square but that would get pretty crazy so a simple policy of no religious stuff in the public square is probably the best one.