
The sound that is in the song snippet you posted could have come from a well under $500 guitar. If that is the sound you are looking for, please do not spend the money on an expensive acoustic at this point in time.

It sounds like you have two different acoustic guitars, a Fender and a Yamaha.

I think that the sound you posted is coming from likely a removable soundhole pickup.

Take your two guitars to a local shop where they sell removable soundhole pickups. Make sure the guitars are setup by a well-known luthier in the area first. Then ssk to try the pickups aon your two guitars, into a signal chain that first EQ's the signal, then compresses the signal, then passes it through a touch of chorus and then light reverb.

Your two acoustics will take on some magic you probably haven't heard before.

Based on the sound posted, I have no idea what kind of guitar that the player had that you posted. There is no character of an acoustic guitar there to tell what it might be. Can't tell whether it's a dreadnaught, grand concert, etc. It could even be an electric guitar through one of those acoustic guitar simulator circuits because it sounds so 'unnatural' as an acoustic guitar.

Now, if you do start playing a higher end acoustic guitar, you WILL hear a difference compared to a sub-$500 guitar, all other things being equal (new strings, both guitars setup properly, etc.) with it's acoustic, unplugged sound. But the sound you will hear will bear no similarity to the sound in the song you posted. You may fall in love with the real sound of a delightful acoustic guitar. That is a different matter altogether, but it will not sound like the sound that you posted.

I believe we are in a golden age of well-crafted beautiful sounding acoustic guitars. I'm not saying that this is as good as it gets, but there are so many different brands out there in the $500-$1500 range that have simply killer sounding acoustics, each with their own beauty and purpose, that it is very difficult to choose.

I'm partial to the Larrivee brand for many reasons - not the least of which was getting a personal tour of their Oxnard, CA factory from Jean Larrivee himself back 5 or 6 years ago. I've seen how those guitars are made first hand.

But there are many others out there. Beware of Martin and Taylor. You will pay a premium for those names; perhaps 15-25% than an similarly equipped Larrivee or Seagull, or (fill in the blank). They have well-earned name recognition that commands a price. I love both Martins and Taylors, for different reasons, but I think they are overpriced these days.


Last edited by rockstar_not; 05/06/09 06:22 AM.