There's enough in here for me to make this a required purchase. And I figure that every feature that's a meh for me has someone else very excited.

For example, 192 and 193 have me baffled - they're mostly synth. I don't understand why PG Music would devote a RealTrack to something better suited for MIDI tracks, especially when they've got Hi-Q MIDI sounds. I would have found "real" instruments on disco tracks (especially strings) would have been a very cool addition. But again... someone is going to find that a killer feature.

While we don't seem to have brass "riffs" this round, the focus on more "pad" sounds means that they're likely to fit with more styles.

As Mac noted, there's a real strings, which can be combined together in various parts. That looks like it'll be fun to play with. The held common notes in MIDI string parts is also welcome.

I'm looking forward to better support for Garritan instruments.

And while there's no MusicXML, support for Sinsy means that some work in that direction has begun.

But I'm really looking forward to the UserTracks. The first person to put together some nice "oohs" and "aahs" will be making a lot of friends on this forum.

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?