Originally Posted By: PeterGannon
Post your MIDI Styles Requests here (Note: This is not for RealTracks or RealStyles requests!!!)
Also, this is for MIDI "Styles" requests. If you have requests for MIDI Features, post them here http://www.pgmusic.com/forums/showflat.p...SID=#Post342842 .
We have made over 2,000 MIDI styles, but some people want more.... which is great!

We need to hear specific requests for what MIDI styles you would like. For example, we don't want to make styles that already exist in our 2,000 styles.

What are you looking for ?Jazz ?HipHop ?Country ?Rock

Please post the request here, or if you've already posted it elsewhere, post a link to that here.
If you agree with another user's post, add a +1 to it.

We'll collect these requests, and make some more MIDI styles disks (likely for 2012.5 release)

So here we are with the release of 2014 and still NO NEW MIDI STYLES ! Why ask us what we want and say your going to make new MIDI Styles when you clearly HAVE NOT , and as it now appears , WILL NOT ??? What a shame ... My theory is the genius who was involved with writing the MIDI STYLES is no longer with PG Music . No other logical explanation fits IMO . Wouldn't those Real Tracks strings sound so much better playing through Garritan Personal Orchestra , or the horns through Garritan Jazz Big Band ? What about instead of Real Tracks drums those same tracks could be used to trigger the 558gigs of samples in my BFD2 and BFD3 libraries where I could switch out kits or any of the drum or percussion components , snare , kick , toms , cymbals , or anything I wanted in that library ? More high quality MIDI triggered sample libraries are being produced every year . I have over 900gigs in various libraries now that I use , plus 8 hardware synth modules all sounding WAAAAAAY BETTER than Real Tracks , and none of them can be used because you can not trigger them with an audio Real Tracks file .
As I said ," WHAT A SHAME "!
