Originally Posted By: Matt Finley
I'm curious, though, if you stored a .WAV file on the supplied BIAB external drive for version 2012, why isn't it still there for you to copy it and use it now? Why would you lose anything?

Not "lose" as in gone forever.
"Lose" in the sense that it is not immediately available online.

Like most others, I assume, I have only one BiaB USB drive plugged in at a time. Right now, it's ver. 2014. All of the previous BiaB USB drives are in my desk drawer. If I had to get a file, could I? Yes. But is it practical? No.

Therefore, all of my user data is on my C drive, where it can be backed up.

Do all of the WAV files take up a lot of space? Yes. But hard drives are pretty large these days.

Last edited by FirstBassman; 01/14/14 09:03 PM.