Originally Posted By: MarioD
However I will respectfully but strongly disagree about new users not using or at least trying RB.

Mario, you and I are in complete agreement! I never said they should not try out RealBand...I just said they are shortchanging themselves if that is the only DAW they try initially just because it was included for "free"! My minimum recommendation would be to install RealBand and Reaper and try both of those.

I don't mean to offend the RealBand fans here but Reaper was designed from the ground up to be a modern DAW to compete with the likes of industry standards like Pro Tools. I seriously doubt there are any folks out in the music world who would choose RealBand just based on its DAW features!

So, if you choose it because it integrates nicely with BIAB that is a great reason! But if you are not planning to use that tight integration with BIAB you should probably consider more serious DAWs.

Last edited by JohnJohnJohn; 01/24/14 07:46 PM.