Originally Posted By: eddie1261
I erased the whole thing and started over. It did NOT do the same thing. Now note that I started at "vanilla" both times.

I will call it an anomaly and forget about it but I hated losing time by having to do things twice.

Yup.... it is, after all, a Windows based operating system...... unless you're on a Mac in which case.... hey it's still a computer.

When things in my studio start to get weird, I have a first course of action plan and that involves save anything I'm working on (if possible) and do a complete studio shutdown. After everything is down and quiet, a fresh cold boot is the order of the day.

That normally puts the world right, on the inside of the DAW. If things in a project are acting strange even after a fresh boot, I close the program and reopen it and start a new project with a new name and attempt to copy the files and track out of the first one. Normally, that solves that issue. I can only recall needed to do the whole create new project thing one time. I don't remember the details..... but that did solve it.

Frustrating, yes...... but when it happens, the sooner you recognize the brick wall, the sooner you can get the ladder.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.