A tip on the pitch correction on melodyne, IF YOU USE IT ONLY CHANGE A VOCAL BY A VERY SMALL PERCENT Never more than 20%, this will still at times cause unnatural sounding notes; instead of using the pitch correction tool, follow these steps**

1.go to edit/2. go to edit note seperation/ 3.then click: set as trill; the note should be cut into different sections after this step if not/4. repeat steps 1-2 and then click set as slide, if after this the note still does not change it is tuned for the song/5. go to the next note and continue steps 1-4 until you have done the entire set of notes one by one. What this does is tunes to the vocal and not to bring it to perfect pitch this gives natural tuning, it takes a little bit of time to do, but is far better than the correct pitch tool. The reason the correct pitch tool causes problems is it tries to drag everything to perfect pitch according to a set scale, which may sound good on one note but then cause the robotic or unnatural sound on the next. Also as you have sang a song you have weaved in an out vocally sliding and trilling and the speed of which you do these things keeps you in tune. By using set as trill, and set as slide, it tunes the vocal according to how the song was actually sang; it puts it in perfect pitch according to the singer not according to the scale. Once you hit trill or slide and the note is cut into sections, click on the beginning of the note and all parts of the note that were changed will be highlighted, scroll until you get to the next unhighlighted note and continue this process through the whole song. I hope that this helps, let me know if you have anymore questions.

My Tunes

Psalm 57:7 My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music.