Note Duration is defined by number of MIDI Clock Ticks.

If you investigate using something like Event List viewer or the like, you should find that the majority of MIDI files do not contain Note Off data, only Note On and then the Duration data. This is contained in one parcel and thus there is no need to send a separate Note Off and time, which is another line of data.

MIDI standard is getting a bit long in the tooth, but it is what we have. Some of the ideas that the MIDI Manufacturer's Association first agreed upon way back when at the design tables turned out to be not so wonderful after all. Still, they did a pretty good job of it, considering. I often find myself wishing for a new standard that would encompass a few more musical parameters than what the current thing can yield. As it is, we spend time creating "illusion" more than anything else. Or -- if something doesn't work, try doing something else instead kind of thing.

Check out the Event List View to see the Note On and its Duration value.

Then look for any Note Off data...
