There are literally so many examples of this musical prejudice/theft-after-the-fact that I could write a book.

I don't disagree with any of that Mac.

I was expanding on it, not denying it. The problem is more pervasive than race. In the final analysis, wherever two groups divide themselves over some perceived difference, the one with the most power will take advantage of the other group.

But its worth pointing out that the guys you mention as being the originator of the ideas... they got their ideas from somebody else too... how far back do we go to find the "originator" of the idea?

BTW, the lizard-mammal clip was a good way to make the point.

edit: having said all that, the examples you gave aren't the evolution of a style or idea... they're direct copies. Weren't the originals protected under copyright? Didn't the subsequent artists have to pay a licensing fee to record somebody's existing song?

Last edited by Pat Marr; 03/05/14 10:57 AM. Reason: followup