Looks like most people have all the Adwords taken care of.

As for the content, it all depends on who you think your target audience is. Do you have market research to point you in the right direction?

If you have ever been through a divorce, all your friends are the first to give you bad legal advice. You better off getting it from a lawyer (professional). Thanks for asking our opinion, but if your goals are to double or triple your annual sales - start with professional advice. Use a marketing firm to help.

Don't mean at all to insult anybody who posted earlier. I have been in sales and marketing for 25 years and today I am meeting with a firm to help do what I can't.

By the way, your ad looks great and appeals to me. If your target audience is more people like us - your spot on! We like what you've done and obviously spend lots of our time learning more by all our replies on the forum!