The theme of this submission is mostly rock/pop electric guitar, with tempos ranging from 65 to 120. I recorded all of these in the last couple of days since the email went out about the contest. They are all played on a Fender Strat. All also used only the 1 minute provided template so some seem to scale chords better within BB than others because the template doesn't have every true chord in it.

Here's a sample produced directly from Band in a Box of one of these guitar tracks where I just loaded one of the pre-loaded song sample files in BB rather than using the template structure, just to see how it would scale and adjust my custom usertrack based on different chords:


Other tracks in my contest entry include gritty rhythms, U2/Edge/Pink Floyd style delay rhythms, Hendrix/Stevie/Texas style busy backing rhythms, two note power chords with doubled LR guitars, volume swell notes and chords done by picking before turning up the volume knob on the guitar, and a soft slight tremolo backing track. No matter how the contest goes, I hope users enjoy and benefit from this attempt. You can download the complete package here:


P.S. If you're wondering, I've nicknamed these the 'DJL' tracks because these are the first letters from my full name.