
<...snip...>I don't want to get into an emotive argument here, this is not the place for it, but I just couldn't leave this comment alone - with the greatest of respect Notes, this is a cop out. Once fertilised, that egg is human. It ain't gonna hatch out as a frog, or a cat, or a lizard, or anything other than a human being<...>

OK, for the sake of discussion, I'll agree with you. To tell you the truth, I'm not really sure because the Science I believe in and the Religion I believe in don't always agree. It's confusing to this human's brain. As a male I feel I have less of a right to an opinion than the female who may be involved, unless it is my sperm that fertilized the egg, and fortunately I haven't been put to that test.

So if any fertilized egg is human, and if destroying any human life is murder I don't understand the nature of the protests that are exclusively directed towards abortion.

1) As mentioned earlier, what about the fact that the former President of the US bore false witness against our neighbor to kill over 100,000 innocent people. Grown up people, people who had husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, and unborn children in their wombs. Why isn't the government being picketed by the anti-abortionists?

2) Fertility clinics. Every day fertilized eggs in fertility clinics are discarded and destroyed. These are so called "extra" or "insurance" eggs. Logic tells me if a fertilized egg in a woman is human, and if an egg fertilized in a test tube can be implanted in a womb and grow it must be human, the fertilized egg in a test tube must also be human. And these fertilized eggs are disposed of regularly. So why aren't the fertility clinics being picketed for so-called murder by the anti-abortionists?

To make things more even confusing for my own mind, why is it OK to the anti-abortionists for the fertility clinics to discard that fertilized egg, but not extract stem cells from it before discarding it?

It's all so confusing. Not the moral sense but the inconsistency.

I am responsible for my own actions. I have practiced birth control all my life, even when the Catholic Church deemed that wearing a condom was as murderous as an abortion because I thought that God would decide if the sin of preventing an unwanted child from being born is greater than an unwanted child possibly living a desperate life. As far as I know, no child of mine has ever been aborted (since I am not female, I can never know for sure, but given the precautions I have taken, I am confident about this statement).

So I say that I agree with the statement that if taking all human life from a fertilized egg on up is indeed murder, then Bush and Cheney should be on trial, along with everybody who orders an egg destroyed in a fertility clinic.

If the government gets a hold of this concept, this is where it may eventually end up? Do you really want big brother legislating morals? Or should our religious leaders be in charge of our morals? Give to Caesar what is Caesars and give to God what is Gods.

So I'm confused. Perhaps someone can tell me why abortion is a sin, but the war in Iraq over imaginary WMDs is OK, and destroying "extra" fertilized eggs in a fertility clinic is also OK.


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

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