Hi Starcrystal,

Welcome to the forum smile

Build 381 works fine for me.

A couple of thoughts spring to mind ...

1. Did you select "Yes" at any stage and let BIAB rebuild the list?

2. What is your computers operating system?

3. How do you run BIAB? (i.e. is it installed on the computer's hard drive under c:\bb; is it run from the USB drive; etc.)

In the meantime, here are some things that I'd try.

I'd select "Browse all styles", then click "Yes" and wait for the list to rebuild.

When I eventually enter into Stylepicker after the rebuild, I'd select any style (single click) and then click on the "Load Song Demo" button up the top of the Stylepicker window. Then I'd click "OK" and exit, and start the song playing.

Stop the song and try going back into Stylepicker and see what happens.

If the above didn't give me any joy, I'd repeat the process ("Browse all styles", "Yes", and wait for rebuild) and when I get into Stylepicker, I'd click on the "Re-build" button to do a manual rebuild of the list in the hope that it will overwrite whatever is creating the problem.

If neither of the above work, I'd return the program to the factory settings. This is found under the "Opt" menu. I'd use the upper option because that will keep all my soundcard/audio settings.

Let's know if any of these things work.


Audiophile BIAB 2024