Originally Posted By: Noel96

What I'd do is to copy (CTRL+C) 4 bars worth of lyrics from my word processor and then use CTRL+V to paste them in my BIAB song as line lyrics. I'd repeat this in 4-bar blocks until I'd finished the song.

Have a look at this link. It might be of use.

Hope this helps,

Thanks for helping out Noel.
I guess I should expand a bit on what I'm looking for.

You know the regular printouts you get with BIAB where you have the treble clef, key sig, bars and chords above the bars?
Regular fake book type sheet music.

I would simply like to have lyrics BELOW the staves throughout the song. I don't want to enter any melody.

I would just like the chords, lyrics, bars, lines etc.

Is this possible?

When I look at the line entry method, I see lyrics on top of everything, but I don't see them dropping under the chords/bars.
