Yes to what Matt said.

Bring the song into Real Band. Find the riff that you want and then copy-paste it in other places. Sometimes I will take a single part, generate a Realtracks, then set up two blank tracks below the original to accept copied-and-pasted riffs. Gives a nice degree of flexibility.

Make sure you know how to use the "Multiriff" feature in RB. Begin by R-clicking in a Realtrack and choose "Multiriff' from the menu.

Once in a while, I have found Realtracks that just happened to match the melody of the song I was working on. By careful cutting and pasting I was able to make Realtracks match my melody. Here is an example:

Last edited by flatfoot; 04/21/14 11:49 AM.

Flatfoot sez: Call me when 'Talent-in-a-Box' is ready to ship! -- [8{>

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