Hi Floyd,

Thanks for listening and your comments.

When I bring in musicians, I have already moved the individual RealTracks and Drums into Logic and have used EQ, compression, and reverb to make them come alive. I set up a headphone mix for the singer or musician. I am pretty open about using BIAB and generally get positive feedback. Fifteen years ago, when BIAB was MIDI only, I sent a drummer a demo that used BIAB MIDI drums. He got back to me and said he was unsure if he could do better. When I told him I had used BIAB, his attitude changed. He became dismissive. In the end, I preferred the BIAB drum track!

I think RealTracks, when carefully selected and edited, can fool just about anybody. Sweet Marianne was unusual for me in that I used only RealTracks and Drums. I typically use only bass, drums, keyboards and the occasional fiddle, pedal steel, or banjo. Adding my own stringed instruments and soloists like Dan Lippert enhances the "real feel."


Fred Grittner
2020 iMac, Sonoma, Logic Pro