“For me, … I have NO interest whatsoever of listening to someone playing cover songs with backing tracks. I would much rather hear a solo artist play an original song in a mediocre manner than listen to a solid performance of someone playing tired old covers of hit songs from the past.”

'Tired old covers'? You obviously haven't seen the Sophisticats or 90 dB perform live, Bobo. grin

“Let’s face it. If it’s a cover band with backing tracks at a club/restaurant, …no one is listening anyway. It’s just “background music”, … a close relative to elevator music!”

While I grant you that cover songs aren't as captivating as the subtle intricacies of G/C/D bluegrass tunes, most club patrons would disagree with your assessment. Probably all the ones singing along, and certainly the ones out on the dance floor. I've never seen anyone dancing in an elevator. grin