Originally Posted By: bobcflatpicker

I've always wondered why musicians would play live for an audience that ignored them. A small amount of money isn't a good enough reason.

You're nothing but a glorified jukebox in that situation. But that is also, likely the fault of the band as it is anything else. If the band was "entertaining" the people, the people would be paying attention and be involved with the band and not ignoring them.

That's the reason one of the better bands I played in was a "Show Band" as much as anything else. We played the music the way we wanted, but we also had a stage show and routines that kept the people watching to see what we would do next. Our drummer had more jokes in his head than some of the standup comedians and between songs he was talking and joking and the people loved it. We did things in the songs that people came back time after time to see us do and even requested that we do it.

I carried some of that stuff into bands I was in later....

like this>>>> Family Tradition does TOP

Just silly stuff but the people loved it and ate it up...and yeah, the drummer jumped over the drums onto the stage... A couple of mop heads for beards and a half baked Top song.... That was actually something the people would ask...."Are you going to do the ZZ Top song tonight?

I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.

Last edited by Guitarhacker; 05/28/14 05:29 PM.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.