
That question is a little above my music theory skill level, but since no one else is jumping in to take a stab at it, here goes …

I don’t think the 1 chord should have a major 6th in it. It should be mM7th chord. I think that chord spelling would be 1-3b-5-7, (not flatted 7th.) Since that chord doesn't include a 6th of any color, a major 6th seems improper. The scale should include a 6b.

That’s because when harmonizing a diatonic minor chord progression, you don’t use the natural minor scale, aka Aeolian mode. You use the harmonic minor scale which has a raised 7th note.

I wish I was knowledgeable enough to elaborate more, but here is an article that may shed more light on it. I could be totally off base on this, but at least I offered you a theory! smile

Exploring the Theory Behind Minor 2-5-1 Progressions