Originally Posted By: VideoTrack
Originally Posted By: Noel96
Hi soolan,

I'm with Matt: if you do not frequently reboot your computer, it's time to do so. It's the only way to guarantee that all memories are cleared of data that can cause issues like you're experiencing.


With great respect to all - if you have to reboot the computer, it's because there is a problem in the design of the software, poorly functioning operating system, memory faults, etc.

I also work with design of applications for real-time processing. We have computers running mission critical real-time applications for process control systems, they include networking, data sharing, event reporting and more and the only time they are rebooted is due to a Hardware Fault or scheduled Preventative Maintenance. Other than that, they can run without being rebooted for years. They run 24 x 7, non-stop continuous processing. And they run Windows.

C'mon. Periodic rebooting doesn't 'fix' any problems, it just makes them go away for a short while... Really.

Not saying that rebooting won't give the O/P a solution. And certainly not saying that BiaB is causing the problem. Just sayin' that if everything worked properly, it shouldn't be necessary in the first place. We've proved that with our own applications.

Just my 2c

Just a hunch, but I'd venture to guess your 24/7 mission critical systems are not being battered by infected ads, Flash updates, Windows updates, antivirus updates, user error, etc etc.

Like you, I also am charged with maintaining racks that must remain running 24/7 .. but I still reboot and update my home computer system(s) regularly.
2 very different things.
We have one 2003 Server that has only been down for 2 hours in 11 years! It's about to be virtualized and retired.

Last edited by rharv; 08/23/14 06:21 AM.

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.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome