To get BB or RB to do solos you need to to edit the wma/wav file,s, just open the wma/wav files in Realband or DAW,
just set it to the same tempo then drag it in,
re-arrange, copy, paste etc.. the playing to make solos on another track with a 2bar count-in,
save that track as (this is just an example Drum Style) Jazz54Even8^5-Solos_140_Style.wav to the Jazz54Even8^ folder,
make a new sub folder
eg: Jazz54Even8^6-Solos
copy one of the text files from one of the other folders and paste it in the Jazz54Even8^6-Solos folder and rename it Jazz54Even8^5-Solos_140_Style.txt
edit it:
delete all the current patterns and just have:


so the second last number is the duration in bars,
the last number is the bar location in the wav file.
so your wav will have a 2bar count-in so the 3rd bar is bar 1. just set "Bar offset" to -2 in RB or your DAW.
To get a particular solos to be played it both A & B sections just make an A & B Pattern for that bar, as above.

Pattern Definition

All patterns are defined in the text file using lines of text containing seven elements, with each of the seven elements separated by a comma. The seven elements are: 1) the text "pattern", 2) type of pattern, 3) section definition (A, B or all), 4) weight (how often the pattern will be played), 5) Mask (restrictions on where the pattern can be played), 6) duration of the pattern in bars, 7) the location of the pattern in the style wave file.


To get it to work in BB just press "F5" key at the bar you want to have solos and set it to the new SubStyle "Jazz54Even8^6-Solos" Click Rebuild at the bottom of Drum Picker window first.
Use F5 to stop the solo by changing back to the normal drums.
You can also used C.d or C..d or C...d after the chord for drums only to play until you remove the .d,..d,...d from the chords.

In Realband just highlight the bars (Select Snapping) and Generate "Jazz54Even8^6-Solos"