
Heavy tip on Energy XT as a host for effect/synth routing within PT.. Not a freebie but worth the registration to get extra miles out of Power Tracks. Complimentary plugin that expands the possibilities way beyond.

Load as a vsti in PT. It’s a bit sluggish in response but very stable on a quad core. PT can handle it. Modular environment allows elegant loading of multiple synths, vst’s, sequenced in any way you want. Got PT running with XT loaded as a plugin, an organ, church choir and the fine, fine Emily free synth wired parallel at the same time…touch of reverb on the choir. Makes Power Tracks sing like the angels.

Is this entirely cool or what…

Peace, stillness to you all,


Want to abide by the rules here (#7) about not advertising for a competing product, so… Submitting this as a synergy, as a subhost to enhance the recording potential and range of what you can do in PT. Awesome merger.