Originally Posted By: martin57
The thought just crossed my mind that maybe some people just post a song in order to enter the competition to win a free band in a box at the end of the year, and maybe they don't care a hoot whether anyone comments or not, as long as someone at PG music notices.

...... I certainly don't think I have to listen to a lot of songs and give kudos in return, sounds too much like a little clique thing to me.


part one: interesting..... but nope.... I post songs because I think other might enjoy the some and perhaps find some inspiration to do something similar or perhaps just do something in their own way. If PG decides to bless me with a gift, that's icing on the cake.

part two: Cliques? .... who cares? Like I said and you did too, Post because you have a song and care less whether someone comments or not. Be involved and don't worry about what you think might be....

I do occasionally have the time to check in throughout the day....other days not even once .... and I try to be attentive to thank each and every person who does take the time to comment on the song. It's not a clique thing to thank someone for commenting. It's courtesy.

EDIT: and...in addition.... one should also try to be involved and help out in other forums here. Don't just hang out in the User Forum..... there's people asking for assistance and posing questions and coming up with interesting solutions to problems in the other forums as well.... be active there in this community.

Last edited by Guitarhacker; 09/01/14 08:57 AM.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.