Our instructor is a professional musician and has all the bells and whistles. He did warn me that it could get pricey...

After talking with CS, they informed me that I could by each of the Real Track Paks for $29 each. But to get all the bluegrass ones there were like 8 or 10 of them or something. I asked if there was a package deal if I bought all of them. No, but they offered to upgrade me to UltraPlusPak which gets me ALL the RealTracks for another $279, bringing my total out of pocket to $408.

I went on Amazon, and for $460 bought the EverythingPak, with the USB drive, overnight delivery, and got a refund for the Pro package I bought from PGMusic. More than I need? Yup. Will I ever use it to it's full capability? Nope. But it's there!

I'm sure I'll have tons more questions. Good to see the folks here are helpful - it is much appreciated!