HI BOYS AND GIRLS! - such a warm return welcome. I want to thank my ol' bud Dani (from the country whose educational system is considered tops in the world and getting a lot of media attention here), Al and Di (who are writing novels too? - wow!), my man MarioD (who has a tremendous track up now), omni-musician Guenter, piano man Trevor, heavy hitters Janice and Bud, Josie C, and Josie Sundance (I thought that Coolmeister is one of the most amazing compliments I've ever received, whether it's true or not). Greg Johnson gave a very warm reception, as did ... last but never least, Floyd, who triggered an idea for this post.

First, however, I want to explain something that Alyn commented on. sick The Zombies mad . Hey - originally, I was going to use this title:

......................................ALIENS REVEAL MIRACLE DIET!!

but the happiness connection didn't seem clear enough. Obviously, I'm shamelessly willing to use any title I can to get listeners. After all, you were curious, no?

Speaking of heavy hitters, Floyd made a reference to a cat in his greeting. Now, as you all know, the cat doesn't come alone. I'm not talking about what the cat might be dragging in. There's something that's as closely attached to it as its tail, something so unique that it's been adopted for well known commercial use. I'm talking about my all RealBand version of


Last edited by aleck rand; 09/20/14 08:38 AM. Reason: corrected terrible grammar

Sweetwater Creation Station. BIAB 2018, Mixcraft 8 Pro Studio, Izotope Nektar 2, Ozone 8, KEYBOARDS: Kurzweil Artis 7, Crumar MOJO, Hammond XK-3, BASSES (fretted & fretless by Ibanez, LTD, Warwick. GUITARS by Guild, Gretsch, Ibanez, Eastwood (12 string)