0-127 used to be referred to as the Yamaha range, 1 -128 is more of a 'Roland' range.
There is a way to set the Patch Select dialogue so these numbers change, but can't tell you the exact patch right now. In the MIDI settings somewhere.

As for the Save Bank/Preset feature .. I think that saves it for the synth but not the song. From what I read in the FAQ BiaB is going to set it on you when styles change (probably so they 'fit'). I think the workaround described was to turn off Patch changes for that channel, which is not a good solution to your question.
What I was suggesting was to rearrange the drum banks/patches in the synth itself so when BiaB changes it to Patch 9 (and the bank changes to 0) the patch you want is on bank 0 instead of bank whatever.

Outsmart it from the synth side of things; that's what I was suggesting.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome