Hi again Receder,

Two other things to bear in mind is,

1 if you are a first time buyer you will pay the top price for the ultra pak (you will probably save at least 100$ in the sale) where as if you are just upgrading from a basic program to the ultra pak its a lot cheaper, more so in the sale. I think its called cross grading or something like that but I am not sure of all the rules involved. The best way to go about saving money is call pg music on the phone, you can find a Freephone number if you search the site.


Ask them if you were to buy the basic program now, would that entitle you to upgrade to the full program of ultrapak in the sale, and if so try to get that in writing. last years price was $159 dollars in the sale, though they probably won't discuss forthcoming sale prices, upgrade would be 2013 ultrapak or earlier.

2 band in a box ultra pak is probably 80 gb or more, that's why it comes on a hard drive, the downside is getting the drive to the UK will probably cost you near £50 in Vat and handling charges at your end, nothing to do with PG music as they only charge $20 or so for postage. If you had fibre broadband you could download it but I wouln;'t recommend it as a hell of an installation job with all the realtacks etc.

I hope I am not making it sound too difficult for you, if you want the easy way just wait for sale in December.


Last edited by musiclover; 11/13/14 01:40 PM.


My music https://www.youtube.com/user/donegalprideofall

Windows 10 (64bit) M-Audio Fast Track Pro, Band in a Box 2024, Cubase 13, Cakewalk and far too many VST plugins that I probably don't need or will ever use smile