
The UT's I've been "product" is stereo.

I do setup with 95% of them very dry, or minimal FX.
Also set the pans to mid...64 using F2 in RB.
Some of the VSTi's FX directly enhances the instrument sounds,
hence do set minimal FX in the VSTi itself.

My final wav template is completed in RB.

Most excellent question..... Who'da thunk....

The guitar track I checked out, could not hear any change
with it soloed...left or right.

Piano track is ??? there is a definite difference in the left-right pan.

BUT this could simply be volume difference when made.

I only spent about 20 minutes checking this out.

A good answer would be to open any of the UT folders and play the SGU file.
Using your headphones to monitor playback.
Of course this only tell you that the UT itself is stereo or not.

Does not test use within BIAB with a style.

Last edited by seeker; 11/21/14 09:23 AM.


Down The Street vs2015 12-03-2014
Win7, AMD QuadA8-5500,16GB,2TeraHD, Komplete 10
PG Ultra Plus 2016,Alesis 12USB, Sonar Platinum