Originally Posted By: Tom Dentist

I see no place where the number of increments can be set, or the amount of increase per increment .

"To woodshed" can be thought of as a synonym for "to increase" in this case.

Let's run through an example. I want to go through a song starting at a tempo of 100 bpm, ending at 200 bpm, with 10 increments of 10 bpm increases. Here's how:

1. In the chord (main BIAB) window, adjust the tempo to your starting tempo of 100 bpm.
2. In the woodshed window (click "practice" on the upper bar, and then 'woodshed'), adjust the "Woodshed tempo by" value to 10.
3. For the moment, ignore the "mode"; however, note that to the right of the 'mode' line BIAB says "100 is the Current Tempo"
4. In the Maximum Total Tempo window, put in a value of 100. Note that to the right of this value BIAB says "200 will be the maximum tempo.

Under these inputs, BIAB will say:
Current tempo is 100. It will increase by 10 each loop, to a maximum tempo of 200. When it reaches the Max tempo, it will RESET to the original tempo... (etc).

As an exercise, why not try this and report back on what you see and hear. These replies will help us help you all the more.


Last edited by jazzwombat; 11/28/14 01:40 PM. Reason: minor corrections