Originally Posted By: bobcflatpicker
I've never kept one single New Years Resolution.

Why should I make another one?

that raises an interesting question Bob... because knowing your keen mind, I don't think for a minute that you have stagnated every year of your life. Therefore I have to assume that the resolutions you didn't keep were different from the accomplishments you actually made that year. In other words, you DID have direction.. you just didn't write it down or declare it publicly.

There is an aspect of resolutions that tends to promote unrealistic expectations, and I think that's why so many people don't bother.

But for those who have a realistic understanding of their capabilities, and of the resources that will be available in a given year, I see such resolution making more like a "to do list" for the year. Kind of like saying "I certainly won't accomplish all of it, but these are the things I plan to work on"