It is EITHER 32 or 64 bit ...says so right on the website

The thing I'm looking at before I get this is if it's compatible with XP pro 32 which is the OS I have. I sent an email this morning to ask support. THe same page says it doesn't support XP but that doesn't mean it won't work..... just that if you have issues, they will not help with the older OS's.

As far as the plugs and synths that come with this..... YES.... I had TTS from MC4 long before I loaded BB/RB into my computer. BB found TTS and I approved it to use for it's default synth. It is much better than the wavetable and if you just bought it for that... you got your money's worth.

Aside from all that.... Music Creator is a superb and easy to use full featured DAW that I used extensively with BB/RB tracks in the same way I now use Sonar 1e.

In addition to this.... you CAN use the Cakewalk plugins with BB tracks. I tested this by opening a song in BB and dropping a chorus into the guitar track in BB as it played.... yup... they were all there in the list.

Last edited by Guitarhacker; 03/03/15 07:05 AM.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.