Originally Posted By: jford

Even though it told you you didn't have enough space (confusing, I know), had you not cancelled and gone on, it would have asked you where you wanted to install it and you could have specified your external USB drive (with plenty of space).

I think the issue is that the message should have said "you only have xxx GB available on your C: drive, which isn't enough". But the custom install does allow you to go on and specify whichever drive you wish.

Right you are John!

Just out of curiosity, and perhaps jeopardizing a good installation, after I installed 2011 yesterday I went back and
started setup.exe to see what would happen if I went beyond the 'cancel' button when it said I didn't have enough space on c:

Sure enough, the next screen asked where I wanted to install BIAB.

So the only recommendation I would make to PG Music about this, is that they either:

-pop up warning messages about insufficient disk space after the screen asking where you wish to install the program, or

-include in the warning message a note that the next screen will provide the opportunity to install to a drive other than c: