Hi everyone ...

Long story, short: my XP machine crashed and I've been working to change over to a Dell laptop with 2.8GHz I5 (duo core) laptop with 8G of RAM running Windows 7 Home 64-bit.

My current audio interface is an M-Audio Fast Track Ultra (USB 2.0) with latest driver.
I'm new to the USB audio interface domain; coming from a dedicated sound card in my XP desktop.

I currently use PTPA version 12. I did a test run with the set up and got some clicks and pops during playback. My material typically runs over 30+ tracks.

Should I upgrade to PTPA 2015?
Keep the M-Audio Fast Track?
If not? Why not? And more importantly, audio interface recommendations?
The Fast Track seems to work but also seems spotty at times maybe due to the old PTPA and/or I haven't spent any real time dialing it in yet.

Thanks very much!