Originally Posted By: cubanpete
Gosh Floyd, what a beautiful song. I was involved in a relationship a very long time ago that made me feel exactly like that, so like they say "I feel the pain". tremendous song as usual my friend.

Mike B.

Thanks, Mike - seems like everyone's had one of these... smile Always glad when I can hook you with one - I know my usual stuff is not generally your cup of tea - thanks for stopping in...

Originally Posted By: Sundance
I agree with Noel - sounds like a song from a play. Not an easy thing to write. Beautifully done. Soulfully sung and that piano sounds terrific to be midi. What are you using for the midi sound?

Thanks, Josie - appreciate that. The piano is a 4Front TruePiano - they are exceptional - with a lot of variety between the different type pianos...
In this case, I had to add a bit more reverb to the TruePiano than I would normally chose to - so that it matched the sound of the RT piano (even though I had turned the reverb on the RT completely off - the recordings of some of the piano seem to have a "big room sound" to them - even "dry")