Thanks floydjane for the feedback; I am now up to 15 of 50 songs. This song is from a challenge called the More Cowbell challenge in which the goal was to use a cowbell sound. I will never be able to get the SNL skit "More Cowbell out of my head; every time I hear a cowbell, I think about that skit. I use a $20.00 dynamic mic instead of using my cardiod. So I wrote this song.

I did use all Band in a Box instrument tracks; the cowbell is from Reason.

Here is link to song #15 *Vocal More Cowbell

The other 14 are here

Here is link to song #14 *Instrumental Band of Angels

Here is link to song #13 *Vocal Bored Happened

Here is link to song #12 *Vocal Junkyard Dog Named Betty

Here is link to song #11 *Vocal Vertigo

Here is link to song #10 *Instrumental Alluring Flame

Here is link to song #9 *Instrumental Blowin' In The Wind

Here is link to song #8 *Vocal Give Me Rest

Here is link to song #7 * InstrumentalBlues Country

Here is link to song #6 *Instrumental Rest

Here is link to song #5 *Vocal Run and Don't Look Back

Here is link to song #4 *Vocal I Will Give Honor To My King

Here is Link to song #3 *Instrumental Skippin'

Here is Link to Song #2 *Vocal Daddie Going Home

Here is Link to Song #1 *Instrumental Guitar CHAOS

Last edited by PgFantastic; 07/22/15 06:13 PM.

My Tunes

Psalm 57:7 My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music.