I'm trying to use a Roland XV-2020 for both BIAB MIDI playback to reduce latency and to input leads I play on my connected wind controller (EWI) back into BIAB for recording. Maybe I have the wrong expectation, but I thought that I should be able to monitor using either the XV OR BIAB PC headphone output and hear both the XV being used for song playback AND the EWI live performance. Is this not correct?

I have the XV drivers loaded on my PC, BIAB MIDI IN and OUT are set to XV, Send GS Mode to Roland is ON, XV is USB connected at the front panel, EWI connected to XV MIDI IN, but something still isn't right. I can't tell for certain if the BIAB song playback is really using the XV, because I don't hear the XV playing back BIAB songs over the XV headphone. I get EWI generated sound from the XV headphone, but I don't hear EWI in BIAB output from the PC headphone, and recording doesn't seem to be working. I hit record and play (monitoring using XV), the dialog comes up, but after I hit stop what I just played doesn't seem to show up anywhere or allow me to play it back.

So, with this setup nothing is connected to MIDI THRU off of the XV, and I'm not using any other MIDI device - just the XV front panel USB straight to PC w/EWI plugged into XV MIDI IN. I have the XV front panel selector set to PATCH. What am I doing wrong?
