Inspired by eastside eddie, I am trying to finish mixing my songs for my CD (that I have been putzing around on for a couple of years at least!).

I loaded in about 6 or 7 Jimmy Buffet songs from A1A and White Sports Coat amongst my tunes so I could get a relative feel for the sounds and levels.

fergetaboutit! Those JB tunes just sound wonderful. Perfectly mixed, you can hear everything and they have a "sheen" to them that I can't get. Plus they are great songs! My songs just have a "dullness" about them I can't shake. Oh well, what can you do except press forward,

I do realize that they were recorded and mixed in a fine studio and mixed and mastered by folks who knew what they were doing (and on analog, of course). This doesn't do a wav file justice, but here's a sample song: My Lovely Lady by JB. By the way, I do believe that is Steve Goodman playing the acoustic lead stuff.

Maybe I will load some versions to Soundcloud and ask a few folks to do 30 second tests and see what they think.

Now at bandcamp: Crows Say Vee-Eh @ bandcamp or soundcloud: Kevin @ soundcloud