Did you know... You can speed up song entry by typing "K" at any bar (followed by Enter key)? This command instantly copies the last 8 bars to the current position. Plus, by adding additional keys in the K command, you can customize this shortcut (e.g. typing K12,3 would copy from bar 3 for 12 bars to current position).

For example, if you're entering a song that has a repeating section of chords for 8 bars, type in the first 8 bars of chords and then move to bar 9, and then type "K" followed by the Enter key.

The last 8 bars will be copied to bar 9-16, and the cursor will be moved to bar 17, so you're ready to continue with the tune. If you get to bar 25, and would like the chords from 1-8 to be copied to 25-32, type k,1 and this will copy 8 bars from bar 1 to bar 25.

Note: The chords always get copied. The Melody, Soloist, and Lyrics also get copied if these items are set in the Copy Chords and / or Melody dialog (Edit | Copy From.. To..).