- Name and youtube username - Julian Bradley - JazzTutorial - https://www.youtube.com/user/jazztutorial/videos

- instrument (e.g. guitar) - Keyboards

- genre (e.g. jazz beginner guitar) - Jazz

- comments (optional) (e.g. great teacher ...) - Julian stays focused on blending the sound of the music you are hearing with the transcription (representation) of the music. So, for example, when discussing the topic of modes/scales, you hear what a Lydian scale sounds like, and how to spot it in written form in sheet music, and how it sounds/looks different than a Mixolydian scale for a given key signature, etc. Nothing "new" about this, but Julian presents the theories in self-contained chunks that seem more organized than that which I've seen on other music theory sites.

I would really like to see PG Music collaborate with Julian on some sort of BIAB music theory package, since I enjoy Julian's insights and format.