Originally Posted By: Charlie Fogle
I tend to develop solos/fills by phrase or specific bars using multiriff on a Realband track. You can easily generate 250-300 phrase or bar specific choices in just a few minutes and utilizing the start early/end late feature creates some interesting riffs that tend to blend exceptionally well. You can also choose to cut/paste up to all 7 of the multi riffs generated in a section. It is not necessary to generate a whole track first. It can be generated by sections.

Using multiriff, you can also generate different solo instruments on a single track. Plus, usually a midi chart track also generates that you can use to twin solo parts.

I also recently found there are benefits to selecting solo instruments from Real Combo sets, such as the lead guitar and sax. They generate complimentary parts to each other and make for very realistic sounding fills and twin solos.

I will humbly say I know NOTHING about multiriff. It will have to check this out for sure! Thanks so much! This could also be a game changer!

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.