Thank you very much Herb for this constructive post.

I'll take in account your advices about the compression. Although I know this noun, I have a lot to learn (to not say all) about it. I should look into that now.

About the lytric flow, I think I understand well what you mean. Indeeed, the sense of the words plays an important role in their resonance. If they are not understood, just the musical side remains.

For example, in the first verse, there is a long phrase to sing quickly (8 syllabes not eludable):

"Etait-ce pour rattraper son père,
qui avait pris la fuite,
que Sarah arriva deux mois trop vite ?"

means about :

"Was it to catch up her father,
who had run away,
that Sarah was born two months too fast?"


Last edited by Caloo; 02/06/16 11:22 AM.

No hay banda! There is no band! Il n'est pas de orchestra!
No hay banda! And yet we hear a band !

(David Lynch - Mulholland Drive)