This is why you should install it over top of an existing version.

If the previous install was in C:\donkey and you install the new version in C:\bb2016, the old (previously owned) realtracks are still in C:\donkey, but the program is looking at C:\bb2016 to find your realtracks. It'll probably find the new ones but not the old.

Upgrades are accumulative with BB/RB, so you need to install it over the old in order to keep things working in the new version like it did before. I have many things in my accumulated installs that are not included (or even available) in the recent install files.

If you installed it to a different directory, it'll likely not be able to locate the RT's as easily, and if it did find the old ones it'll likely be missing the new ones. Like I said, its accumulative.

You said
"There are all these files with an _ as the first character, which in my world was always a file that was what amounts to a temp file that installs and writes itself without that underscore. And a bunch with a tilde at the front. Same situation. I never saw valid files with a tilde as the first character."

The underscore and tilde characters mean something to BB, so don't discard these just because of the naming convention..
BB file naming conventions may mean it is an 'all realtracks' style (or something else). Point is they have a purpose.

The image below shows how RB keeps backups of important files from previous versions, as long as you install over existing. Notice RBBackup folders for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 .. (yeah I already have 2017 and am busy warming up leftovers from tomorrow night)

Attached Files (Click to download or enlarge) (Only available when you are logged in)
RBInstalls.jpg (27.33 KB, 80 downloads)
Last edited by rharv; 02/14/16 05:05 PM.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome